The Automatic Fire Alarm Association (AFAA) New England Chapter is hosting an event on March 6th at 6:00 PM regarding Energy Storage Systems in Occupied Buildings. Steve Cummings, Director of the Sensors Business Unit at Nexceris will be serving on the panel discussing this important topic.
Over the last 10 years, the implementation of Solar and Wind generated energy has increase dramatically. The increase has seen the rise in energy storage systems, commonly referred to as ESS, move from dedicated use buildings and structures to inside occupied buildings. With the growing concerns surrounding the use of fossil fuels, a greater demand for cleaner efficient energy power and the use of ESS has grown to provide reliable power for peak usage or standby power during emergency situations.
The use of ESS in occupancies requires the need for a heightened understanding of all hazards involved and more extensive measures to reduce the risks, including thermal runaway, toxic and flammable gas, and deep-seated fires.
Joining Steve on the panel is Jennifer Sapochetti, P.E., a registered fire protection engineer and Managing Principal and JS Consulting Engineers, and Chris Towski, Manager of MCM Industries and a Fire Lieutenant for the City of Cambridge Massachusetts Fire Department.
The event is being held at Bentley University at the LaCava Campus Center located at 175 Forest Street, Waltham, MA 02452 (parking in Lot #2).
以「鐵」為物料的技術,便有望成為未來電網的配備。美國企業 Form Energy 正在研發「鐵空氣電池」(Iron-air battery),以獨特的「逆轉鐵鏽」技術儲能,今年將會在美國西維珍尼亞州投放 7.6 億美元建設新廠房;另一家企業 ESS 則生產不同的鐵製電池,並已在俄勒岡州投產,為再生能源轉型做準備。
由此可見能源管理系統對於智慧微電網的重要性,至於如何利用能源管理系統來有效展現再生能源調整力,全漢認為台灣應從「負載追隨」逐步進展到「由下而上的能源合作」,在場域及家庭智慧電網進一步發展並聚合成城市級「虛擬電廠」(Virtual Power Plant, VPP)之後,便能透過適當的能源管理,平衡城市的能源供需,並穩定地區的能源供給。在家用方面,隨著未來智慧電表(AMI)、電動車充電樁、智慧家電及儲能設備普及之後,即可透過方便的家庭能源管理系統(HEMS),讓民眾享受能源自主及自動需量反應(ADR)的果實。
▲ 全漢提供優良穩定的太陽能逆變器與儲能產品:HySpirit Three Phase 10kW和 EMERGY 1000(圖左至右)。 (圖片來源:科技新報)